i am looking for a LTO/RTO Setup/Offers Port: 100 Mbit (Shared is fine, as long as 10Mbit/sec is guaranteed) Form Factor: 1u Server RTO: 10-20% HW Cost on Order, rto time: 12 or 24 months * I would prefer potential hosting companies to be in business longer than 5 years. Hope this gets me an Offer or Two Caice
(Based on my current Servers,..)
Traffic: 1.5 TB avg. Monthly Traffic, Peak 4-5 TB
Location: EU (pref.), US if the price is right
Processor: Avoton Family (C2750 (pref.) or c2730)
Ram: 16 or 32 GB
Disks: 2x 4TB WD RED, 2x Seagate Archive 8tb JBOD
Hardware Failure Risk: during rto with seller
* I dont need any included remote hands hours,…
* Low colo cost without having to change facility after RTO period would be a big Plus.
Server Hosting Tips via LF RTO/LTO Server.
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